Our mission in Children’s Ministry at Bridgeway Church is to partner up with parents and equip children with biblical fundamentals to grow a solid and personal relationship with Jesus Christ while maintaining an environment where they feel loved and safe.
Our vision is that every child that comes through our doors will invite Jesus to be their guide, Savior and friend.
Nursery: Birth to 3 years
Our nursery consists of a group of women that love to care for babies both emotionally and physically. We create a soothing and interactive area through crafts, songs and short bible readings. Our goal is that parents can receive the message provided in service knowing their babies are well taken care of.
Pre-School: 3years old to kinder
Our preschool classes are filled with fun bible lessons taught with teaching props to communicate stories at the child's learning level.We create an easy going atmosphere where children feel comfortable and free to express their love for Jesus.
School-Age:1st-5th grade
Our school-age program consists of bible lessons from DigIn kids curriculum, crafts and games that are age-appropriate. Children are invited to participate in small groups where they are known, cared for and feel connected.